The Youth’s Role in Nation-Building

As we all know, youngsters are the nation’s most valuable asset. They can play an important part in the nation’s growth by bringing about economic, social, and political transformation. The amount of people who actively participate in nation-building is also important. According to the research, there are 1.1 billion young people aged 15 to 24, accounting for 18% of the entire population.

Equal Access to Digital opportunities for Global Youth

One in three young people, some 463 million, had lost their only avenue of learning when schools all over this world shuttered because of the pandemic. According to a May 2020 study, roughly 90.0% of Technical and Training Centers in 126 countries reported full closures, carried out by the International Labor Organization. In the areas misstruck by COVID-19, more than 40% of young employees worked. More than ever, we must take actions to reduce the digital divide for young people

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