Remote Work Hubs: Impact on Economy and Urbanism

Many people have lost employment due to the epidemic, and many businesses are delaying their return to the workplace. The large no. of companies are moving toward a hybrid workplace in which a large proportion of office workers move between offices set up as shared spaces periodically. After months of remote working, many employees have grown to appreciate this approach’s freedom.

Embracing New Technologies is Essential to Government’s Growth

This is now a time of fast technological change taking place in the world, nicknamed the “fourth industrial revolution.” Currently, new technologies are being created that will profoundly alter government workforces and the way policy is made and services are delivered. Moreover, as technology and strategy become increasingly intertwined, the line between actual and virtual worlds is gradually eroding.

Equal Access to Digital opportunities for Global Youth

One in three young people, some 463 million, had lost their only avenue of learning when schools all over this world shuttered because of the pandemic. According to a May 2020 study, roughly 90.0% of Technical and Training Centers in 126 countries reported full closures, carried out by the International Labor Organization. In the areas misstruck by COVID-19, more than 40% of young employees worked. More than ever, we must take actions to reduce the digital divide for young people

A Guide to Leading the Next Industrial Revolution

fields like robotics, machine education, digital manufacturing, the internet of things, data analysis, and blockchain, it is achievable. When software anticipates maintenance needs before they become realized, power grids and loading docks are intelligent. Custom parts are produced upon demand when the sensors expand over factories and warehouses. This tremendous wave of technical progress is known as the term “next industrial revolution.” The following ten concepts can help senior managers negotiate chance and uncertainty.

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